Examples of self-care workshops below. These workshops can be customised.

Workshop 1

  1. Introduction and Awareness
  • The importance of stress management and self-care for professionals
  • What is stress and how does it work?
  • Stress response
  • Understanding the physiological aspects of stress and individual stress responses
  • Defining capacity versus load in the context of professionals
  • Identifying factors contributing to load and ways to increase capacity
  • Burnout
  • Group discussion on challenges and strategies to maintain balance

  1. Where am I now? What is my goal? And how do I achieve it?

  • Self-awareness and Self-reflection
    • The importance of self-awareness for effective self-care
    • Recognizing stress factors and signs of mental health issues
    • Individual and group activities to identify personal stressors
  • Analysis of specific stress factors in leadership roles
  • Introduction to stress management techniques for professionals
    • Guidelines for improving one’s own self-care
    • The importance of consistency in self-care habits for stress reduction
    • Integration of relaxation techniques into a busy leadership routine
  1. Setting up the initial version of a personal self-care plan 
  • Brainstorming individually or in small groups on strategies to maintain balance
  • The importance of regular self-evaluation and adjustment of the self-care plan
  1. Resources and further support (possibly an individual coaching session)

Workshop 2

  1. Mindfulness and Self-care
  • Introduction to mindfulness as a tool for reducing stress
  • Application of mindfulness in leadership
  • Promoting mindful decision-making and actions
  • Integrating mindful leadership techniques into daily practice
  • Guided mindfulness exercises tailored to your sector
  1. Physical Health and Well-being
  • The relationship between physical health and stress
  • Tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle amidst leadership responsibilities
  1. Sleep and Recovery
  • The importance of adequate sleep for stress reduction and well-being
  • Tips for improving sleep quality
  • Sleep techniques and sleep hygiene
  1. Guidelines for improving one’s own self-care
  • Practices of rest and silence
  • Connecting with personal passions
  • Life goals and personal mission
  • Effective communication and setting boundaries
  • Healthy work-life balance Time management and setting priorities
  • Technology and digital detox
  • Social support and networking
  1. Innovation and Change Management
  • Dealing with stress and uncertainty in times of change and innovation
  • Encouraging a positive attitude towards change
  1. Sustainable Leadership
  2. The importance of mentorship and coaching for professionals
  3. Practical exercises, case studies, and group discussions
  4. Resources and further support (possibly an individual coaching session)